If you have looked through my website, you know I offer three basic brand shoots. The first is 1.5 hours, the next is 4 hours and the last is a full 7 hour day. Some of you are probably thinking, 'Who needs 7 hours?' while others are thinking, 'Who can get it done in 1.5 hours?'

Every business has different needs, and you probably already have an idea of which session is right for you. But if you're on the fence, let me help you out!

Lets look at the shortest session first. This session would take place at one (carefully chosen) location. It's enough time to fit in three different outfits and several simple props. Even if you have one or two products you're selling, we can get a few shots of it within that time frame.

If you are refreshing your website, shooting content for a specific launch or filling out content for your quarter, this session is perfect for you! You'll come away with plenty of images to choose from with a very cohesive, one-collection look.

If you need more content and more looks, you should consider a 4 hour session. We can shoot at 2-3 locations (depending on how far apart they are.) and you can change several times. You'd even have time to make small adjustments to your hair and makeup to give you even more variety to your content.

With this session, we'll plan carefully ahead of time to get you enough content for an entire quarter. You'll have plenty of variety in the looks so that it doesn't all look like one shoot. We would even have time to get seasonal content so you're ready to go when seasons change or holidays roll around.

Lastly, who is ready for a fully day shoot?? My 7 hour session is for my batch workers! We can head to up to seven different locations and you can fit SO many different looks in! This is for you if you use don't have time or inclination to get a new shoot together 4 times a year.

Even if you post every day, we will get enough content for the quarter and more if we plan carefully! You can even get images for several collaborations done all in one day. Talk about productivity!

Each type of session is so fun & productive in different ways, but I bet one in particular already sounds perfect to you! Click below & let me know what you've got in mind for your session. We'll nail down which session is right for you!